Navigating co-parenting conflicts can be frustrating, especially if communication has broken down despite counseling or court-ordered co-parenting therapy. If you and your co-parent struggle to resolve disagreements, a Parent Coordinator or Special Master (terms vary by county) may provide a solution.
A Special Master is a trained expert who assists you in resolving parenting disputes while keeping the child’s best interests at the forefront. Using a Special Master is often far less stressful and expensive than going to court for every disagreement.
Common parenting conflicts and questions might include:
Should Johnny participate in travel sports?
Should Sally receive a flu vaccine?
Can Joshua travel internationally with his grandparents?
Should we really do exchanges at a police department?
Which dentist should we use?
Can we get a different holiday schedule?
How many emails from my ex are too many in a week and they are just not working?
Does our child need a therapist?

These are just a few of the countless questions parents face. By engaging in this process, parents gain the opportunity to be heard, collaborate, and create tailored solutions that benefit their child.
A Special Master listens to both sides and helps guide cooperative decision-making when possible. If needed, they serve as a neutral tie-
breaker on parenting plan issues—while leaving overall custody and decision making authority unchanged.

Co-Parenting Therapy: Helping Your Child Thrive After Divorce
Divorce allows parents to separate, but children remain connected to both. When it is safe, maintaining a strong relationship with both parents is key to a child’s emotional well-being. Co-parenting therapy helps parents navigate this ongoing responsibility with greater ease and effectiveness.

Special Master
What Is A Special Master?
A professional who helps divorced parents better define and implement their parenting plan through understanding and resolving disputes. Dr. Tonkins provides education, recommendations and depending upon the County, decisions to the courts within the scope of the court appointment.